The Software Systems Research Lab Group, at the Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science, provides an excellent environment for state-of-the- art research and development in software engineering. The group is focused to explore the links between open source software development and academic research as a better paradigm for OSS development. Enterprise level systems and web based solutions are undertaken as a part of open source software development, with best-of-breed open source technologies and superlative business practices.
We are looking for talented individuals for research based software projects. Candidates are required for the following positions on (renewable) contract basis.
4-Year BS or MS (Post-Graduate) degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or Computer Engineering, from a well-reputed University.
Position: Web Developer
- Must have 6 months or more professional experience in PHP/My SQL, must be capable to develop and maintain PHP based websites and applications.
- Java, especially in J2EE and related technologies. Preference will be given to candidates having hands-on experience with tools and frameworks like Struts, Hibernate and myEclipse etc.
- Good code analysis skills
- Diagnoses and resolves reported software problems. Experience with testing software like: JUnit, DBUnit and Cactus will be highly preferred
- JDBC Development for PostgreSQL 8.2, MySQL 5.0
Position: Web Designer
- We need an imaginative male/female web designer with high aesthetic and creative sense.
- Solid Expertise in HTML / CSS / Dream weaver 8 / Flash 8 / Photoshop CS / Fireworks 8/ Adobe Illustrator /FreeHand / Corel Draw 12 and Java Script are mandatory.
- Able to work on different client web projects, create complete web layouts from concept till it get coded.
- A customer focused thinker who have a keen sense of usability testing.
- Proficient to work under pressure, enthusiastic, deadline-oriented.
Last date for receipt of applications is February 8th, 2008. Please mention the position you are applying for. Address your application to ‘The Director’ and deliver your resume at:
Al-Khwarizmi Institute of Computer Science,
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore-54890
email at ‘ pk’